Friday, May 13, 2016

MAYrathon Day 13: Crispy Fish Rolls (Squid Flavor)

Kinda down to the wire on this one. It was another long day at work and I had to work right through dinner this time, so I'm starving. What do I have to fill the hole in the old tummy? Oh...Crispy Fish Rolls - Squid Flavor. Whoo-Hoo? Another gem from the Asian Market we have a happy as a pig in shit smiling fish standing above what appears to be mini egg rolls. I shake up the bag and it sounds just like a sack full of broken glass. It's also confusing that the product itself is Crispy Fish Rolls, but it claims to be squid flavored. Isn't that two completely different entities? Wouldn't that be like a jar of peanut butter that claims to be jelly flavored? Or pizza that's cookie flavored? The ingredients are a plethora or weird too. I'm just going to post a little picture collage of what is apparently included in this little fish rolls. These are the real ingredients:
Lizard Fish
Red Mullet

Isolated Soy Protein
Edible Starch 
Chilean Giant Squid
Squid Powder
Sorbitol Syrup

I mean...the pictures really tell the tale. What else can I really say that would add to that? Let's open them up. UGHHHHH It smells like dog food. I knew it would have a strong fishy scent, but overwhelmingly, it smells just like dog food. I'm a little hesitant to try this. I've certainly never had nor seen lizard fish anywhere in the world. OK...inhale...exhale...
Let me just let you join my taste buds in the conversation we just had:
"Hey that's not so bad."
"Wait, ew... what IS that?"
"Do I taste sugar?"
"Why is is so starchy?"
"What IS this?"
"I really can't swallow this."
"Should I get a dog?"
"Should I go to the hospital?"

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