Sunday, May 22, 2016

MAYrathon Day 22: Boots Beverages: Dewberry Soda

Now where did I leave off with Boots Beverages? Ah yes - I had reviewed their Red Hot soda but was so tired and jaded from two days worth of cinnamon soda, that I didn't really put much care into that review. But I knew I'd revisit Boots Soda at some point because I had another flavor waiting in the wings: Dewberry Soda. Now before I get into exploring what the hell a dewberry is, let's talk briefly about Boots Beverages. Originating from the small town of Bellville, Texas, Boots beverages has adopted the Jones soda approach of affixing each of their bottles with unique and original photos. Boots, however, takes it one step beyond and offers a picture and a story about a local Bellville
resident. It's creative I guess, but I really don't care about some goobstick named Mark and how he's been collecting cans since he was five years old. If I read more and exercises more, I wouldn't be doing this dumb website, idiots. Boots has a few other flavors I'd be interested in checking out some day including Caramel Cola, Coconut, and Caramel Apple. But it was Dewberry that caught my attention the most at the store. As I've stated before, I'm most interested in the flavors I've never tried before. It's also interesting to note that since I picked this up about three weeks ago, It's been on a permanent carbonation overload. Like the pink slime form Ghostbusters 2.

So here's a dewberry. There's actually not a ton of information about this fruit, but it is a member of the blackberry family and the fruit grows so far to the ground and is so small that people often mistake them for nuisance weed, That and the fact that it is nearly impossible to pick them without instantly splattering the fruit and ruining your white pants is probably why it's one of the lesser known North American fruits. Also interesting to note, I guess, is that they produce both male and female fruit. As of most sodas I try, there's never been anything remotely close to a fruit to ever grace the carbonated concoction, but let's see what a dewberry is at least SUPPOSED to taste like.

The smell is very unique yet overwhelmingly familiar. I wish I had better than a fourth grade vocabulary to define it. It's comparable to blackberry jam or maybe even black cherry Kool Aid. I don't know exactly, but my olfactory memory is going crazy.
Yes, that's what it is - Black Cherry Kool Aid. Growing up, that was my dad's favorite Kool Aid flavor, so I have distinct memories of drinking it as a kid. Given that the carbonation was trying to escape since its inception, it's quite flat which also brings forth the flavor of a kool aid as well. A nice 90s flashback resulting from an unknown flavor. And no seafood either, so BONUS!

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