Tuesday, May 3, 2016

MAYrathon Day 3: Bubble Up

As a soda connoisseur (wow I can't spell that word), sometimes I want to check off some of the classics. While my main drive is to try the most bizarre drinks out there, there are also some retro originals that I've always wanted to check off my bucket list. Sodas like Cheerwine, Dad's Root Beer, Ski Soda and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter are some of the drinks that have always intrigued me even though it may not lead to me having anything funny (when has that ever stopped me?) or interesting to say. Bubble Up is one of those such beverages. What is Bubble Up? Let's partake on a Wikipedia history lesson, shall we?

Unlike a lot of old timey sodas that stated as a health tonic or segregation enabler, Bubble Up was just a simple lemon-lime flavored soda originating in 1919 in Sandusky, Ohio. The soda, bolstering the tagline, "A Kiss of Lemon, A Kiss of Lime," debuted ten years before 7Up and was Coca-Cola's premiere lemon-lime soda long before Sprite came long. After financial trouble and tax fraud, the company was passed around like a Carson City harlot until finding a home with the Dad's Root Beer company in 2007 where it's still distrusted today. Also apparently a favorite of the late Merle Haggard.

I've wondered about the taste of this one for quite some time, so let's give it a shot. The smell is very lemony with a little lime afterthought. The taste is...different than what I expected. It's very flat tasting (and this is a fresh bottle) and really more resembles the taste of a Mountain Dew rather than a Sprite. Not a bad taste, but certainly different from what I was expecting. Happy to cross this one of the Soda Bucket List. Now where's that margarine spread? 

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