Saturday, May 7, 2016

MAYrarhon Day 7: Paulaner Spezi

I'm going to see Captain America: Civil War today and I thought the best way to honor The First Avenger is by relaxing with a cold, German Cola. Wait. That would sort of have the opposite effect wouldn't it? I mean, Cap hates the Germans after all. But too bad cuz I already took it out of the fridge and I'm too lazy to change my shirt. AMERICA!

So today I'm drinking Paulaner Spezi. Which I'm told on the can that it is an orange soda with cola. Upon looking at the ingredients, I am intrigued to read that this cola contains actual orange and lemon juice and not artificial flavoring. Before taking a swig, I went to the internet to see if I could find any other information about this cocktail. It turns out that spezi is not the name of the company that makes it (I assume it's Paulaner), but rather a generic name for the mixture of cola and orange sodas. Anything with these two flavors combined is considered a spezi much like we would call any combination roots and beer a Root Beer...I think.

Alright I'm curious enough; let's open this can up and give it a smell. It smells a LOT like a regular
old can of Pepsi. I'm not getting any orange or lemon scents at all. And the taste?'s Pepsi. I mean that's what it is exactly. I've always been pretty good at telling the different between Coke, Pepsi and RC Cola and this is just Pepsi in an orange can. No orange. No Lemon. No Mein Kampf. Just Pepsi. Nice try Krauts; this American boy isn't falling for another one of your tricks! My veins run black with United States Pepsi baby!
I should probably get that looked at.

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