Monday, May 30, 2016

MAYrathon Day 30: Ol' Glory America's Energy Drink

Today is Memorial Day and it only seemed appropriate to do something patriotic. All three of my grandfathers served in various wars, so this day holds a special significance for me and honoring the memory of those three men as well as all of those who have served and/or fallen in defense of our great country. So I wanted to do my civic duty and take a break from all the Asian fish crackers and Austrian sodas and drink me some 'MERICA!

And this 16 oz can is oozing with patriotism. This might be the most American thing EVER. Let's go over the list of the items that make this the most patriotic pop this side of parliament.

1. The entire can is made of the red, white and blue stars and stripes
2. The very top of the can is an attempt to get you to enlist in the army. "Energize your future in the army national guard." (Is that a phone number or a website?)
3. Two different places on the can, it tells you that your purchase supports "Operation Homefront" and a portion of the money made on each can does to that cause.
Twice it also mentions it only being 99 cents, a real AMERICAN price.
4. It is distributed by the AMERICAN Beverage Company (Sorry, Tokyo)
5. And finally, the back of the can actually has the entire script for the freakin' Pledge of Allegiance!

Man! I want to enlist in the army right now!!! I wonder if they take short, husky, asthmatics in their 30s? I'll probably be a Navy Seal within the week. Well the price is right and the message is clear, so how about the taste? I was pleasantly surprised by the smell; it didn't have the generic energy drink scent that usually is associated with cheaper energy drinks. It's pretty darn good too. Not overpowering with a light citrus aftertaste. It's not too heavy and definitely refreshing on a hot day like today. I'm a fan of this drink, and I'm a fan of you, AMERICA! 

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