Thursday, May 12, 2016

MAYrathon Day 12: Strawberry Shortcake Soda

One of the hardest things I've found in doing this month-long marathon of bizarre is trying to be creative and interesting after a long day at work. As I'm writing this, it's 9:30 PM and I just got home after starting my day at 6:30 AM. I'm not complaining - I love my job and I love doing this for the five people and my mom that think I'm funny. Rather, this soda ties into memories I have of going to the local diner or Big Boy with friends after a long day at work and unwinding with a few laughs, good company and a some type of fatty dessert to wash down the day. I wanted to save this one for a day when my body was aching, my voice was turning hoarse and my eyes were wanting nothing more than to close. "Waitress, I'll take the Blue Plate Special please!"

Tonight, I'm taking a look at a soda inspired by those late night diners - strawberry shortcake soda. This comes from the Orca Beverage Company, and there's not a ton of information online about the company, but apparently it's a line of "retro" sodas made to taste like classic desserts. Other flavors include Blackberry Cobbler, Peach Cobbler and Red Velvet Cake. I'd certainly be interested in trying those too somewhere down the line, but today we will focus on strawberry shortcake. Something odd about me - although I love soda (obviously), and strawberry sodas are probably my favorite flavor, I've never had much of a sweet tooth. I've never really been a huge dessert guy despite what my outward appearance might make you think. I've had strawberry shortcake before and liked it from what I can remember, but I don't have a tinge of nostalgia when I think about tasting it. Even my story about unwinding at the local diner - I remember the friends, the jokes and the ambiance, but the desserts themselves didn't really matter. I just ate what everyone else was eating. However, I do believe this is my first dessert (besides pumpkin pie) based soda, so I'm curious at least.

When I open the bottle and take a sniff, I am impressed with the authenticity of the smell. I can smell fresh strawberries, pie crust and ice cream all mixed perfectly together. (gives it a guzzle). That's pretty freaking tasty. I might even say this has a more authentic dessert taste than the Pumpkin Pie soda. I really feel like I'm eating/drinking some strawberry shortcake. I would definitely get this again if I ever come across it in a store. Well that's it. Probably not my funniest or most interesting entry but...I'm tired. And shut up. I promise I'll eat something extra gross tomorrow to make up for this lackluster entry.

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