Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MAYrathon Day 10: Mangosteen Juice Drink

So here's something I didn't know until starting today's blog - it's my 50th entry in Matty Mac's Beverage Shack. Despite taking three years and about 100 extended hiatuses, I finally made it to 50 semi-interesting and marginally-entertaining entries about sodas and juices. The reason I started this random blog oh so many years ago was that I was always fascinated by the strange and unknown in the world of beverages. I was never one to just order a Coke or Pepsi at my local diner; I wanted something more unique. For fifty entries, my main goal has always been to try something I've never had before and see what makes it so rare and different. Granted, 95% of the things I've forced down my gullet are nothing more than high-fructose corn syrup and chemicals made to taste like a unique flavor, but every once in awhile. I come across a true flavor that's never before danced with my taste buds. Which brings me to today's juice - Mangosteen.

I have quite literally never heard of a mangosteen before in my life, and what excited me about this is that it's not an artificially flavored soda; it's the real deal. The only three ingredients are water, sugar and mangosteen. But what is it besides maybe Grimace's testicles? Supposedly the mangosteen is almost nonexistent in the states because of its fragile and easily bruised skin which makes distribution difficult, and the fact that it only produces edible fruit for a short time out of the year. The fruit is popular mainly in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, The Philippines and other parts of Asia. The outer rind is thick, rubbery and inedible, but the white and citrus inner shell is supposedly very delicious and is packed with vitamins and health benefits. It's said that if this were more readily available in the land of 'Merica, it would be one of the most popular fruits.

I don't have any lame jokes or anything on this one; I just want to taste it. So after shaking well, I crack open the can and give it a sniff. It has a REALLY distinct smell that I just can't wrap my head around. It's like a tangerine but sweeter. Or some sort of mixed drink you'd have in college. I would wear this as a cologne if I could. And now the taste...

It's really smooth going down. Very crisp and clean tasting and does not at all taste manufactured or overly-sugary. It's absolutely fantastic. Definitely belonging in the orange and tangerine family but somehow less acidic and strong. Maybe a nectarine? I love this. It took 50 entries but I finally found one that I absolutely love. Great stuff; I'll be on the lookout for an actual mangosteen fruit in the future! Thanks for reading, commenting, ignoring, teasing or just plain hating the last 50 blog entries here at the Beverage Shack. Here's to the next fifty - may they be full of unexpected bathroom breaks and trips to the store to buy Tums! 

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