Sunday, May 15, 2016

MAYrathon Day 15: Popeye Energy - Clobberin' Clementine

I'm tired; this extra long week really kicked my ass. I really looked forward to having this Sunday off to accomplish some things, but I've just been sitting and staring like a sleepy zombie for the last several hours. I need something to really jolt me into action. I need SPINACH! Or at least an energy drink based on a guy who eats spinach! It's Popeye Energy. My feelings on Popeye have always been - he exists. I never loved him and I never hated him. He's certainly been around for awhile, and the chubby burger guy was sorta funny, but much like "The Simpsons," I feel like it's past its prime. However, I'll still drink his celebrity endorsed soda that I shelled out an extra four bucks for!

Here's what the can says on the back: "Strong to the finish! When you've had all ya can stands and ya can't stands no more, grab some of me bestest energy blend and get back in tha' ring!" That was a real test of my sanity to try and type in Popeye's atrocious grammar. I looked online and there are apparently four different unique flavors of Popeye energy, all made to spoken of with a mourh full of marbles. There's Bruiser Blackberry, Anchorin' Apple, 'Low Me Down Lemon Mint, and the one I picked up, Clobberin' Clementine. There are so many red spelling error messages popping up online right now. It's not ME internet, It's POPEYE!!! Anyway, I chose this one (actually I didn't even see the other three flavors) because I've never had a clementine flavored pop or energy drink, so it definitely spoke to me. The can also goes on to say that it "contains 70% juice, natural caffeine, nothing artificial and an excellent source of vitamins B and C." I'm impressed that it has 70% juice; that's pretty high for an energy drink. Finally, they recommend two cans per day which...I'd like to see the doctor who would advise that.

So let's try this Bluto Bustin' Beverage. I open it up and it's got a great citrus scent. I take a few sips and...well blow me down! It's pretty damn delicious. For an energy drink, it's clean, crisp, refreshing and not bitter like a Red Bull or Monster. I would 100% buy this again. And I'm already feeling more awake and refreshed. Time to go think about doing laundry some more!

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