Monday, May 2, 2016

MAYrathon Day Two: Lobster Spread With Sherry

OK let's go down the list. Lobster - AWESOME. Pate or Meat Spreads - Occasionally Tasty. Blue Can with Lobster Picture That Was $4.00 at a Candy Shop - Terrifying. Today for my very first ever foray into food here at the beverage shack, we have Giovanni's Lobster Spread with Sherry. That's right, it's a fine food and a fine wine all rolled into one. How can this go wrong? I'm sure it's produced by the finest lobsters this side of Maine...........or apparently Richmond freaking Michigan!

I am relieved to see that the first ingredient in this can is actual lobster, but the addition of soybean oil, onions, carrots and monosodium glutamate is a bit concerning. The sherry is like the last ingredient mentioned to, so there goes my chances of at least getting drunk off this. The serving suggestion says: "serve chilled on crackers, celery slices or cucumber slices. To which I say NAY! I choose room temperature with plastic spoon dammit! Let's crack this can open and see what we're working with.

I wish I had a cat...
Cuz smells just like cat food. It's very light and fluffy and I'm relieved that there's no carrot chunks in there but THE SMELL. Alright let's throw caution to the wind and eat some Michigan lobster! 

You know what...I wanted to say I hated this and give it the business for being Midwest lobster spread. And I spilled a little on my hand and desk which will now be a permanent fixture to my skin and furniture but...I kinda dig this. It's just patey enough to taste good and just $4.00 enough to not give you high expectations. I'm going to hold off on a ruling until tomorrow and see how many night terrors I have. Under five - we have a winner!

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