Monday, May 23, 2016

MAYrathon Day 23: Fentimans Dandelion and Burdock

Stop me if you've heard this one:

IIIIIN East side, Michigan
Born and Raised
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool
Just shootin' some bball outside of my school
When..............A floating dandelion cotton thing flies into my mouth and I start making a face and coughing like an idiot and then twenty years later I decide to have a soda based on said dandelion.
Catchy right?
F*$)**&$ing EVERYWHERE

Today I am taking a look at Fentiman's Dandelion and Burdock Soda. Fentimans has apparently been botanically brewing their sodas since 1905. The main ingredient in all of there beverages is ginger, but apparently after that, the sky's the freakin limit. Some of their other flavors include rose lemonade, Jasmine soda and Elderflower. And it's not like the traditional pops I'm used to that include sugar, chemicals and a prayer; these sodas all contain edible flowers as one of their main ingredients. There's even flowery sediment floating on the bottom of my bottle. I've heard rosewater can taste pretty good and elderflower has a nice sheen to it, but aren't dandelinons just yellow weeds? Aren't they the butt hole of the flower community? And don't even get me started on the burdock. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE BURDOCK!!!! Seriously....because....I don't know what that is. 

(sigh) I was hoping to spend one day NOT going on Wikipedia. 
Guys, it was a really long entry and I just didn't care enough to read anything about it. All I did find interesting was this tool bag standing behind to a giant burdock leaf and probably celebrating the only important thing he's ever done in life. I don't care about any learning today; let's drink some flower pop!

Upon first sniff, I can't help but compare it to the smell of liquid Robitussin. Really spot on to that exact smell. Which is great because I'm just getting over being sick while being on the stuff, so thanks for the memories, Fentimans.  I honestly have no idea what to expect here so...bottom's up.

Do you remember when you saw Star Wars for the first time ever? Then you saw Empire Strikes Back for the first time? For that first time in your life, a time you would never EVER be able to go back to, you were able to debate which movie was better. That's where I'm at with my first time tasting Dandelions and Burdocks. I can't make any distinctive comment until I try it again from somewhere else. As of now, it's the best AND worst dandelion and burdock I've ever tasted. Case closed. 

But Matty Mac, what does it taste like? DANDELION AND BURDOCK, fool! 
Remember this guy from before? What an asshat. 

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