Wednesday, May 25, 2016

MAYrathon Day 25: MacFUDDY Pepper Elixir

Today was the last day of school. If I count subbing, I will be wrapping up ten years in the education world. Although technically, I've been involved in some form of education since I was in preschool. I've never NOT been in school. That's an odd thing to think about! But this is also a summer for reflection. I know I have to figure some stuff out, make some decisions and adult-up about some things. What I really could use, besides a hot redhead, is some luck. Thankfully today's soda is MacFUDDY Pepper Elixir.

This soda has a very busy label with all kids of random phrases and claims, with the top one being the most eye catching: "Infused with luck. 12oz for 24 hours of favorable outcomes." So if I drink this whole bottle today, I will have luck for the next 24 hours; seems legit to me. The bottle also informs me that it's been around since 1941, that it is distinctively strong and cures timidness and satisfies the daring. These are some bold claims for a soda, but in a effort to up my luck-factor, I'm willing to take the gamble. 

I did a little research and I was interested to discover that MacFUDDY was originally brewed and bottled in Detroit, Michigan in the 40s and 50s and began regional circulation during the first year the US entered World War II. It continued regional success until the factory shut down in the 1960s. The recipe remained dormant for decades until it was recently brought back to life by the Orca beverage company. As it is called a Pepper Elixir, I am assuming it will taste like Dr. Pepper or some variation. Let's give it a lucky swig!

While in smell and taste, there is a very faint Dr. Pepper essence, it really most smells and tastes like RC Cola. It has that exact aftertaste of RC Cola that anyone who has been to a bar and ordered something with Coke it in can tell the bar is cheap and secretly used RC Cola. It's certainly interesting, but nothing earth-shattering. All I need to do now is wait and see what the next 24 hours brings. Hopefully a little luck...and a lot of hot redheads. 

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