Tuesday, May 17, 2016

MAYrathon Day 17: So Duh! Liquid Fire

Today I'm looking at So Duh! Liquid Fire soda. Here's what the bottle has to say: "Duh means many things to many people; an airport code in Ohio, a punk rock band, To us, So Duh! means - 'Isn't it painfully obvious this is a delicious cinnamon soda made in small batches with quality ingredients and pure can sugar?' So if anyone asks, 'is that soda good?' We hope you'll say DUH!" 

I gotta give it to them - they are confident in their product and aspirations to bring back a 90s catchphrase. I guess Gag Me With A Spoon Root Beer didn't test well. This soda (sorry, So DUH!), comes to use from the Hermitage Brewing Company in San Jose, California. I did some research and they are apparently a legitimate beer brewery that has a pretty loyal following even though I've never heard of them here in the Midwest. What I couldn't find was any mention on their website of the So Duh! brand soda or any other sodas in general. They seem to be strictly a beer brewery.  So how did this get made and why? I have no idea; the only thing I DO know is that it's been sweating red stuff since I took it out of the fridge which probably means its been opened and I'm going to die.

Oh well. Let's taste it anyway. Upon opening the bottle, it appears to be very lightly carbonated and it smells exactly, I mean EXACTLY like one of those Atomic Fireball candies. You remember those individually wrapped cinnamon hot candies? I honestly don't even know if they make those anymore. Let's taste it...I mean, it's essentially the soda version of those Atomic Fireballs. And it's not messing around either. It started with a sweet and spicy cinnamon flavor but them goes straight to the nose like a plate of wasabi. It's really spicy. This would go great in a mixed drink but a bit difficult to just drink on its own. Very creative though and I applaud them for delivering what they said they would. Believe it or not, this is only one of two hot cinnamon sodas I have in the fridge. Let's see how the other one measures up tomorrow if I'm not in the morgue from cane sugar poisoning. DUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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