Thursday, May 19, 2016

MAYrathon Day 19: Longan in Syrup

I think I'm getting sick. I was fine all day at school but as soon as I got home, my body just shut down. After weeks of long nights, early mornings and lots of responsibilities, I finally need a break! The problem is, tomorrow is the last Friday of the school year AND the last auditorium event of the year, AND we're going over the final in all my classes so...I'm screwed, I'm probably going to bed as soon as this review is done. But what to review? There's no way I can stomach anything weird, and pop just doesn't sound appealing right now. What's a sick Matty Mac to do? Well, I'm gonna robe up, grab a plastic fork and revisit some Asian Fruit. Canned Fruit. Longan! Longan?

Longan is also known as a Dragon Eye because of its shape and color when it is peeled. It looks on the outside like a small kiwi, but is actually part of the lychee family; however, longan is known to be much more sweet. It's used both in Chinese cuisines and sometimes for its medicinal purposes - Yes! I know I made a good decision here!
I open the can and peer inside. They're a lot smaller than I would have thought. Way smaller than a
kiwi but slightly bigger than a grape. As is customary whenever eating a canned fruit, I have to taste the juice first. It's definitely sweet and thick with syrup much like your everyday fruit cocktail that always comes with 6 million pears and one cherry. This has a bit more of a grapefruit taste to it.

I'm excited to try this. It's something I have certainly never had nor heard of in my life. Here goes nothing......well that's tough to describe. It's very firm as I bite into it and has an almost lemon rind texture to it. Also not as sweet as I would have thought. The syrup it was made with is way sweeter and fruity where as the fruit itself is pretty bland and uninspiring. Perhaps that is a result of the canning process. Either way, a bit of a letdown. I would only seek this out if I had the chance to try it fresh one day.
Alright, I am going to go to bed and set 56 alarms in hopes that I get up tomorrow. Knowing my luck, I have the chicken Pox.

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