Saturday, May 28, 2016

MAYrathon Day 28: Almdudler Natural Alpine Herb Soft Drink

Ah, on a hot and sunny day, nothing cures that insatiable thirst quite like that familiar red can on liquid refreshment. I'm talking of course of Almdudler Natural Alpine Herb Soft Drink. Who's with me? Right? Right! Where did everybody go? So as I've been around the world in this month of strange drinks and odd foods, I've received a lot of emails (complete and utter lie) about why I haven't dipped my pallet in anything from Austria. So I spent a half hour trying to locate Austria on the map, another six hours trying to figure out how to call someone, and an additional 17 minutes at the World Market where I came across this can of...I guess two bull fighters enjoying a day off?

Now I didn't realize when I picked this up that I was in the midst of Australian soda royalty. Apparently, second only to Coke, this is the most popular drink of Australia and got its roots and recognition by sponsoring the 1964 Olympics. The drink, which is loosely translated to mean Yodeling in the Alpine Pasture, produces over 80 millions cans and bottles a year. I guess the hills are alive with the sound of Almuddler right folks? Was that movie even set in Austria? What the hell IS Austria? Anyway, the drink apparently has grape, apple and ginger ale flavors and is made with herbal extract. It is most popular as a mixer with red and white wines. Well I aint no sissy, and I aint got no wine, so I'm going to try this right out of the bottle like a MAN. USA! USA!

Either 28 days in a row of smelling crap has finally destroyed my sense of small, or this beverages literally has no scent. I'm literally going in blind here so let's try a sip of Australian delight. It's mega-carbonated, even more so than a regular ginger ale, but that's what it most tastes like - ginger ale. I get a faint hint of herbs and apples but no grapes. I can see why this would be popular mixed with wine, champagne or orange juice; it's bubbly, highly flavorful and just sweet enough to not overpower whatever its mixed with. I like it. I'd drink it again. Go Austria and it's capital of........................................................goodnight everyone!

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