Sunday, May 29, 2016

MAYrathon Day 29: Jack Black's Dead Red Root Beer

Yep. That's me. I'm probably about 19 in that photo. I was unsuccessfully trying to grow a beard and trying to pose for cool guy photos hoping no one would notice that giant mystery stain on my shirt. And check out that sweet digital watch too. What a lady killer I was! The reason I'm showing you this picture, besides as a gift to the ladies, is to hearken you back to an era that would change my life forever. At the turn on the century, I was working at a movie theater; I worked their on and off before, during and after college. It was around that time that a spry, portly and manic comedian named Jack Black began taking the world by storm in both movies and music with his band, Tenacious D. It was this time, as movies like Shallow Hal and Orange County came out, that I was reminded every day by strangers and friends that I remind them of Jack Black. At first it was flattering; a lot better than being told I remind them of John Candy or Milton Berle. But soon, especially while working at the movie theater, it became a daily annoyance. A day didn't go by without being told "you remind me of that guy..." or "Dude, you're just like whats-his-name, from that movie, you know!" And Jack Black wasn't just a flash in the pan either. Soon he was headlining blockbuster movies, playing music venues everywhere, lending his voice to video games and cartoons, and even a line of skincare products! (See photo below). It seemed like there was only one place I could escape Jack Black mania was my last great love - soda pop. Until there came a time where I discovered Jack Black's Dead Red Root Beer, and I finally had to give in to the madness. 

Seriously, beard and skincare products! I got this as a Christmas gift this year!

I'm going to say right off the bat that this is NOT a fresh bottle of Dead Red Root Beer. I don't know if that will affect the taste or not, but I'm going for it anyway. I haven't been able to find an official website or anything, but there does appear to be another pop in the line, Blood Red Cola. Something to look for if I survive this one. The label features a skull and crossbones and all types of Jack Black type sayings about the root beer such as: "Third time available in 420 Years," "Once you've had Jack Black, you'll never go back," and Better dead read than just plan dead." I don't know what the target market is here. stoner, horny skeletons? One thing interesting to note is that unlike most Root Beers (except Barq's; it has bite), this one has caffeine. Like lots of caffeine. 

Let's try some Jack Black, eh? It smells a whole lot like Root Beer. The carbonation is pretty much gone and it's really flat. I think I may have let this one sit on the shelf for a bit too long. It's hard to really make any type of comment or review on it because it's clearly past it's prime. A shame too; I was looking forward to trying it. Maybe next time, JB! 

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