Wednesday, May 18, 2016

MAYrathon Day 18: Picture Show Red Hot Soda

This one is going to be quite short. I got two sodas from Boots Beverages, and I think I'll have a lot more to say when I get to the second one. The only reason I am trying the Red Hot Soda today is because I had that other hot cinnamon soda yesterday and I want to compare the two. Plus I'm ridiculously tired right now so any attempts at being funny, witty, creative or handsome will result in me drooling on the keyboard or making poop jokes. So let's call this one a quickie. 

Cracking this one open; it has a faint atomic fireball scent like the last one, but not as strong. It's a little heavy on the cinnamon more than anything. Taste? While the Liquid Fire one lived up to its name of a truly hot and spicy soda, this one more tries to capture the essence of a red hot candy without really going for heat. It's very sweet but not at all hot in any way. I would compare it to the Ranch Dressing Soda I had a long time ago. It certainly had a ranchiness to it, but it was a sweet and sugary soda through and through. Not terrible though; it's obviously easier to drink because it's not burning my insides. Alright. That's it for today. I promise to tell funnier fart jokes tomorrow. 

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