Saturday, May 6, 2017

MAYrathon 2.0 Day 6 - Pineapple Whip

Pineapple Whip Soda from the O-Zell Soda Company. This is another one I've had for a long time on the shelf, and there's no real cool backstory as to why I purchased it. I think the name, Pineapple Whip, caught my attention and made me wonder if it has more of a dessert taste than a traditional pineapple soda. And also the Disney-like Hawaiian character on the label seemed like a classic cartoon I enjoyed in my youth. Upon doing a little research into the company, I didn't realize how true that was!

O-Zell began in the early 1900s, financed by none other that Walt Disney's father, Elias Disney; which explains why the characters on the bottle look so Disney-esque. It                   
was his dream to produce, market and sell exotic, oriental sodas out of a factory in Chicago. Everyone, including Walt, helped out in the factory, but sadly the family ran out of money before any soda ever made it to the public market. And that was it. Until 2014 when a couple in Chicago decided to revive the company with various flavors and sell them in stores like Rocket Fizz. But what's even cooler than that is that proceeds from the sale go towards restoring Disney's 1901 home to its original condition and making it a historical landmark.   So for once, I can say my terrible soda habit is for a good cause - take THAT Buddha.

So let's give it a taste - for Disney! The bottle proclaims to be all natural and is made with Hawaiian cane sugar which seems interesting. Other than that, it's the standard soda stuff. Let's crack it open. Very strong carbonation rushes to the top of the glass bottle, and the smell is certainly that of Pineapple. I've always enjoyed pineapple sodas, so this should be a good one. Let's find out...yea it's really tasty. I get where the "whip" part comes from. It's not like a Faygo or Fanta Pineapple, it has more of a carbonated pineapple jello taste. Not bad at all. I feel like I should end on a Whip It joke here, but it just seems like too low hanging fruit. Like pineapple. HA! 

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