Saturday, May 27, 2017

MAYrathon 2.0 Day 27 - Yuengling Traditional Lager

I haven't really talked about beer much, but this is Matty Mac's Beverage Shack, and beer is a beverage. And this one is one of my favorites. If I had to list my top five beers, it would probably be:
1. Gumball Head
2. Yuengling
3. Jai Alai
4. Founders PC Pils
5. Cider Boys Grand Mimosa

Of the five, only Founders PC Pils is both available year round and in the region I live in. The rest are rare, especially Yuengling and Jai Alai. UNTIL TODAY! I'm in Indiana on my way to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and I come to find out that as of April 1st, Yuengling is available in Indiana! Before then, I had to wait for my friend Erin to visit home in Ohio and pick me up a case or wait once a year when we go camping in Ohio to get some. Now people who are used to this beer probably don't get too excited about it. In the states where it's available, it's pretty much similar in marketability to Coors or Miller, so most people don't think much of it. But when it's a rare treat, it's a tasty rare treat. Originating in Pennsylvania, Yuengling is known as America's Oldest Brewery, being around since 1829. I love it. OK - back to vacation. I'll check in from North Carolina tomorrow. 

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