Sunday, December 20, 2015

The 12 Days of POPmas Day 8: Green Tea Low-Cal Soda

OK, so after the last few days of bizarre sodas both tasty and terrible, I need something to settle my stomach. Something that's not based off a candy, nor filled with cream or...meat. Something simple like green tea. Green tea is essentially the modern-day equivalent of the all-purpose tonic (more on that tomorrow); doctors and physicians essentially prescribe green tea for everything from weight loss to hydration to herpes, and it's a pretty inexpensive resource too. You can get a giant can of Arizona Green Tea for a buck at any supermarket. But in all my experiences with green tea, I've never come across a green tea soda. Perhaps because it's counterproductive? Tea is supposed to soothe and heal and pop is supposed to get you addicted to caffeine and rot your teeth. It would be like if Pepsi added Fish Oil to their ingredients and started calling it Pepsi Fish Heart Good Times. But I am curious about this one. It's pretty hard to screw up green tea, and as I look over the ingredients, it does indeed include green tea extract. The "Low-Cal" portion is 60 calories. Which I guess is low when compared to a regular soda, but when Low-Cal is actually a part of your label, you should at least have less calories than a Diet Mountain Dew. Let's see what we're working with here...

I pop it open and there's a rush of carbonation but almost no smell. I know green tea is fairly mild, but I thought I'd smell something. (takes a sip) Another thing I forgot to mention on the label is that it's advertised as "lightly sweetened", and boy oh boy, they're not lying about that! It definitely has a tea aftertaste, but really almost no flavor at all. It really reminds me of if you were taking a Dr. Pepper, which advertises as having a blend of 23 flavors, and taking away 22 of them. It's carbonated, fizzy and bubbly, but lacks any real flavor. Not a bad flavor, just not an exciting flavor. 2.5 out of 5 Santa hats. 

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