Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The 12 Days of POPmas Day 11: Almond Creme Soda

Every so often, I come across something, whether it be a beer, food or a soda, that I know I'm not going to like, but I have to try it anyway. The curiosity always gets to me, and I've always lived by the motto of try anything once. I don't think there's ever been something I've 100% turned down. There's some things I'll never try again, but at least I can say I've tried it all once. Just in case someone every says, "oh yea, well I bet you've never tried Teriyaki Beef Jerky Soda!" To which I can respond, "like hell I haven't sir; like hell I haven't!" Anyway, that's kinda how I feel about this next soda: All Natural Almond Creme. We already know how I feel about sodas with cream in them, and truth be told, I'm not wild about almonds either, so how can this be a winner?

This soda comes to us from the Tommyknocker Brewing company in Idaho Springs, Colorado. They brew a couple different creme sodas as well as a line of craft beers. I've never heard of this brewery as they don't seem to distribute in my neck of the woods, but it seems to be pretty popular among the mountain folk. There's even a little story on the bottle: 
   "DISCOVER THE LEGEND. Tommyknockers slipped into the Colorado gold camps with the immigrating Cornish miners during the 1859 rush. These mischiveous elves guided many a fortunate miner to the "Motherlode". (that's how they spell it). Renew the legend - share a Tommyknocker Almond Creme with a friend."

Well the joke's on YOU Tommy, I HAVE NO FRIENDS. BAHAHAHAHA......(single tear)........OK back on track. Let's snap it open and take a whiff.  It smells like a cream soda with a hint of nuttiness to it. How does it taste?

Like a creamy almond. No thanks - I refuse to indulge any more of your motherlode of cream, Tommy. 1.5 out f 5 Santa Hats.  

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