Monday, August 5, 2013

My Beverage Collection (Part One)

This post will probably be boring for most everyone, but even before starting this blog, I always wanted to write about my little collection of beverage bottles and cans. Collecting has always been in my blood. Whether it be Muppet stuff or X-Men action figures as a kid, I always had to collect. And it's never been about the money. All my bottles have been opened and enjoyed, thus making them completely worthless. But there's a charm to collecting and displaying these trinkets and oddments that I just never grew out of.

I am saddened to admit that this is my second, and much smaller collection; in college I had a massive collection of energy drink cans ranging from the common to now defunct flavors like Nelly's Pimp Juice and Whoop Ass. But being a poor college student forced me to cash them all in for the Michigan ten cent deposits so I could visit my friends at MSU and make bad decisions. But I's my current collection.

  I'm just going left to right on my cupboard shelves. Pay no attention to the Stone Cold Steve Austin cup; I don't know why that's there. The first three, Three Philosophers, Lucifer and Pranqster, were gifts from my friend Bryan on my 27th birthday. They aren't extremely rare in 12 oz bottle form, but I really like the large bottles, and the Three Philosophers is actually dated 2010, making it a special year for philosophy or something like that.

Also in 2010, Jones Soda put out a line of beverages to coincide with the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic book. If you know anything about me, you'll know I'm a big Buffy and Muppet fan, and probably 30 and single for a reason. (single tear). These were all just variations on their already popular flavors, and some of them were really stretching to make them fit in with Buffy and her cohorts including Dawn's a Centaur Root Beer and Buffy Blue Bubble Gum. Why? I don't know, but as a Buffy geek, I'm happy to have them.

Book ended by a couple of Kermits, is an odd assortment of things. First off is Moxie, a beverage given to me by my friend Andy when he visited Vermont. This is one I hope to review when I come across a fresh can. The Kalamazoo ale I will discuss more in a moment. The Jagermeister sits there as a cautionary tale - you're only young once. I hate the stuff now. Dragonmead: Final Absolution is a Michigan beer that is really strong and one of the first Michigan micro-brews I ever tried. Next, that is sadly not a real can of Surge, but a beanbag made to look like a can. I'd give anything to try that sweet, green beverage once again! And finally, I love knock-off brand sodas, and this is a Myrtle Beach grocery store's attempt to make Mountain Dew, Mountain Lion.

When I first moved to Chicago in 2007, there was a big dispute between the city of Chicago and the popular Bell's brewery which concluded in Bell's not being able to sell their product in the city (eventually this was overruled and now you can find Bell's everywhere). To get around that law, Bell's created new beer that was only available during the Chicago ban and is no longer brewed. This particular bottle is sentimental to me because it features everywhere I've ever lived starting from left to right: Detroit (suburbs), Kalamazoo and Chicago. My life on a label.

At the risk of boring everyone to tears, I am going split this into two parts.

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