Monday, August 12, 2013

It Tastes RAAW: Passion Fruit Wheatgrass

So this is it...the end of summer. I'm down to my last Summer Shandy, and after two months of bad decisions, it's time to detox. Before getting back into waking up at 5:30 in the morning again, I need to clear out my system with a little wheatgrass. I had it once at a Jamba Juice and I thought my liver was being stabbed by hippies, but with a little passion fruit added in, who knows? This is brought to us by the RAAW foods corporation. Spelling it with two As And apparently, according to their website, if I drink it, hot chicks will exercise for me. Also, look at all of those "delicious" claims: Non GMO verified (whoo hoo?), Kosher (shalom!), Vegan, Gluten-Free and 100% natural. I'm sure this is going to be a real taste bud treat.

No less than three times am I told that this beverage will have a great taste! It also explains what wheatgrass does besides make you feel like having a Pepsi with butter, and gives key health facts. It's interesting to note that the two main ingredients are pineapple juice and apple juice, followed by the wheatgrass and passion fruit. A bit strange considering the other two fruits don't get their time to shine on this bottle. Finally, the juice itself is a thick, dark green color - not unlike grass.

Smell/First Sip:
After a vigorous shaking, I crack the plastic bottle open and take a whiff. I get the passion fruit smell immediately, followed by a grassy/dirt type smell. Here goes nothing (healthy sip). The passion fruit and pineapple are at the forefront of flavor, and it tastes really clean and fresh. The wheatgrass is mild, which is good because I don't like that flavor.

Honestly, I don't have anything too negative to say about this one. It tastes like fresh squeezed juice, not overpoweringly sweet and makes me feel like I went to the gym instead of sat here writing on my blog about sugary drinks. It's tasty, and unlike most other drinks I've tried so far, I'd probably get this one again.

It's a healthy and tasty drink. I better go get a beer to balance it out.

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