Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Brief (and likely useless) Introduction

How the hell do I start this thing?

Hello and welcome to my new experiment that probably three of you will actually read! No that's too negative. Welcome everyone - I love you all so much! Nope too positive. I guess I'll start just by saying that I've always been obsessed with the new, rare and obscure when it comes to food and beverages. I was the first in line to try the now defunct Vault, Pepsi Summer Mix and even the terrible Coca Cola Blak. (I didn't spell it wrong, Coke did). I'm even currently a member of a group trying to bring the beloved Surge back to America.

Anyway, partially inspired by internet reviewer Brad Jones's "Brad Tries" segment on Cinemasnob.com, and my own penchant for having to try everything at least once, I bring to you Matty Mac's Beverage Shack, which is pretty much the lamest name ever but...shut up. There's no real schedule planned, but whenever I feel like it, I'll be trying a strange beverage and giving it my two cents. This could be the greatest thing the internet has ever been given or a complete and utter train wreck, but I'm up for the challenge. If you have any weird drinks (alcoholic or non) that you'd like me to try, let me know!

Stay tuned shortly for the first segment featuring quite possible the worst celebrity-beverage tie-in ever conceived by Arizona. Oh sorry, according to the can I'm holding in my hand, Shaqazona!

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